DEATH… just the word alone brings an ache to my body. It’s something we (and those we love) are going to experience. Yet, fear of the unknown keeps us from talking about it, until Death knocks on the door unexpectedly and unwanted. Death has been one of my greatest teachers. It dropped- kicked me and stripped me of everything I thought I was. It grabbed me into its cold arms and held on tight. Surprisingly, there was also warmth in there. A yearning to be understood and not to be ignored. Death and the experience of Grief have made me into the WOMAN standing before you today. The lessons I learned from Death are still coming, but for now, here’s what I know for sure.
LIVE FULL OUT – This crazy, beautiful life we are given is not a dress rehearsal! Yes, you will make mistakes, but that’s how you learn and grow. Never be afraid to go all out for something that you truly believe in or love because of the fear of making a mistake. Live outside your comfort zone. It’s where the magic happens.
LOVE FULL OUT – This one has always been a challenge for me. I never wanted to put my heart fully into a relationship because of my limiting beliefs and old stories. I’ve learned the single most important thing you can do in life is not being afraid to love. Tell everyone you love how much they matter to you TODAY!
All there is, Is NOW! – This moment right here is all we have. The past is over and the future doesn’t exist yet, except in our mind. Be present in everything you do no matter how mundane or uncomfortable. Otherwise, you are robbing yourself of the gift called LIFE.
LOVE is STRONGER than Death – This is the truest thing that I have learned. While my loved ones may not be on the physical plane to speak with, they are still present in my life. Our love is the connector. Don’t be afraid to speak to them out loud or even write them a letter. Not to make you feel uneasy but I know of friends that have experienced “visits” in their dreams. So just remember just because your loved one is not in the physical, your love is still a connector.
ACTION will move you through your grief – I remember the first year when my then-boyfriend died, all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry. The world was moving so quickly and I felt forgotten. What helped me move through my grief was ACTION which included exercising, praying, meditating, dancing, anything that allowed the energy to move through my body helped. Once I realized this, the healing process began.
I say all this to you because you were given this one big beautiful life. My wish for you is you go out into this world and live a BIG, BOLD, AUDACIOUS life on your terms. I loved sharing these golden nuggets with you. I would love to hear from you what grief has taught you. Please email me and share what you have learned after the loss.